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Bummer City is not in the bar and restaurant business, but in the business of building your favorite hangout. Our philosophy is simple--we build spaces we want to hang out in, with the hopes that others do too.


Our Mission

Don't let our name fool you. We grew up here. We like it here. This studio was founded to bring spaces and experiences that help build community and revitalize our downtowns. 


We believe that the Quad Cities is one of the best kept secrets in the Midwest and we want natives, transplants, and visitors alike to love it just as we do.

Our Approach

1. Only Build Spaces, Events, And Products That We Want To Exist

2. Grow Slow. One At A Time.

3. Downtown > Uptown

4. Historic Buildings > New Construction

5. Focus On Attracting And Retaining Great People

6. Involve Those People In Our Creative Processes

7. Differentiate Ourselves By Sweating The Details

8. Actively Look To Change

9. Find Ways To Support The Community

10. We Cannot Create Fun For Others Without Having Fun Ourselves

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